Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Walkabout Wednesday: Salton Sea

I will post April totals next week.  It has been another challenging month with some pedometer woes but I am determined to keep walking!

I don't know why, but abandoned places intrigue me.  The thought of wandering unhindered through an old, empty building and filling it with my imagination and stories of Used-To-Be's is fascinating.

It is probably related to the school I attended for my first two years.  I still have dreams about wandering through that old building and I still have not forgiven Greenville School Systems for tearing it down!

Postcard of Donaldson Elementary before the rear addition.  When I was there the trees were full-grown

Because of this, my wanderings have included some spaces that others would probably not find very attractive.  One of these places is the Salton Sea.
Photo from Salton Sea Modern Museum

The Salton Sea is located in the Colorado Desert in Southern California.  Wikipedia has an interesting article on it here.  I read the history of how it was formed, with the canals, the flooding, the railroad, the farming run-off, the Hoover Dam, and on, and on.

I wonder about the people who lived there long ago when it was a salt-mining town.

Picture from Photobucket

The folks who struggled to make a living farming the land only to have the Imperial Canal fiasco flood the whole area.

Photo from

The men stationed at the Marine Barracks during World War II

Photo courtesy of Slab City Archives

The people who were drawn there in the resort years...


....only to have the dreams dry up and become crusted over with a layer of salt.

Photo courtesy of slworking2 from

Those first few folks who decided to make the abandoned marine barracks a place to live off the grid.

Photo courtesy of Chuck Coker from

Or a place to proclaim their faith.
Photo courtesy of pixeltoo on Creative Commons

Something about this area seems to draw people to try and capture it in words or paintings or photographs.  Independent film makers seem to have been especially captivated by this area.  It seems I am not the only one who finds the area visually intriguing.

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