Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Wandering Wednesday: Luecke Trees

Have I mentioned that Texas is BIG?  It is.  So please be tolerant of just one more Texas post before we move along to New Mexico. 

In between Houston and Austin (or LaGrange and Bastrop if you are a native), you will find the Luecke Trees.  It seems that a gentleman in Texas ~ by the name of Luecke ~ somehow trimmed a stand of trees so that it spelled his name.  You know that saying about how everything is big in Texas?  The stand of trees is so large that it is rumored to be used by NASA to calibrate some of their satellites!

Can you imagine what it would be like to wander in amongst those trees on a Texas summer day?  Maybe find yourself walking out of the first "E" to find that nice, cool lake (and since we are imagining, please can we imagine no snakes, 'gators, or anything slimy in that nice, clean, sandy-bottomed lake?  Thanks.).

Just the thing for a hot day of walking!

If you have ever traveled to this part of Texas, would you share your experience in the comments please?  I'd love to read about it and maybe even see your pictures if you have any!

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