Monday, December 08, 2014

The Twenty Four Days of Christmas Day Eight

A Stable


I'm a little nuts about our nativity.  I do NOT like to get everything out at one time.  I like to build the anticipation and the expectation.  I like the breathless wonder of building up to CHRISTMAS.  

This week I will get out our stable and manger.  We have some timothy hay in the basement (feed and bedding for our almost-Mama bunny) that will be strewn in there.  I might get an animal or two out.  Then again, I probably won't!  I will get out the one magi that we have and put him and his camel somewhere in the living room far away from where we keep the manger.  They aren't scheduled to arrive until January anyway.

Sometimes I hide them in "normal" places.


Sometimes I get a little silly (are you shocked?)

You do see him, right?
Mr. Marvelous insisted that I include Jack South in at least one Wise Man picture.  This is because Jack South is named for a dear friend of ours and Mr. Marvelous says this friend certainly belongs in a grouping of wise men!

We have this weird space in our living room.  It is a hole over the fireplace (The cats check it daily for anomalies in the space-time continuum.  So far we are safe).  I'm not quite sure what to do with this hole most of the year, but at Christmas it is just what I want.  This is the focal point of the living room and the perfect place for a manger scene.  Hmm.  Maybe before I put the stable there I need to paint it deep blue and add some painted stars?  Well, maybe not.  But if I found some fabric I might staple it up as a backdrop.

Until then, here is what we have.

Stay tuned; the Messiah is coming!

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