Wednesday, July 16, 2014

A Brief Update

I'm still battling dust bunnies.  The garden needs to be picked (again) and the tomatoes (and squash and cucumbers and peas and beans) are yelling that they need to be canned.  So it is a wee bit busy around here right now.  Here is a quick update and a promise to fill in the blanks later.

The bees are gone and I am relieved.  A neighbor of ours is a bee-keeper who lost a number of hives this past year.  He was happy to come over and take my hives over to his bee yard.

Bye-bye, Bees!

We have a new rooster.  Did I already tell you that?

The wren is still sitting on her nest on the bunny's side porch.  I'm expecting to hear babies any day.

The garden is producing.  Some of the plants are trying to stage a coup d'etat.

Mr. Marvelous is (of course) Marvelous.

He can't help it.                               

Okay.  Back to work.  If you don't hear from me tomorrow, call for the St. Bernards to come and rescue me please.


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