Monday, February 02, 2015

More Bunny Pictures!

Mondays are usually my memory day, but I have promised pictures of the baby bunnies while they are cute. 

Baby bunnies grow quickly.  These pictures were taken on day seven.  In seven days baby bunnies grow fur.  Their ears at birth look as though they are a part of the head; by day seven they are clearly bunny ears.  The eyes are still not opened, but they are beginning to crawl around the kindling box a little bit.  They are curious about anything new, such as human hands.  Mama is quite calm about me handling them, although she gets a bit agitated when others come to visit.  She does want to sniff my hands after I have handled the babies. 

Enjoy the pictures!

  Did I mention that they love to snuggle? 

And they have gone from being barely the size of my thumb to this big!

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