Thursday, February 12, 2015

Garden Update

Mr. Marvelous has had two very busy weekends and a lot of help from Junior.  My men are working hard to get the Spring garden going this year.

Remember the raised beds idea?  Those two men have been chopping up trees and lugging them up the hill and turning them into beds.  The biceps are bulging (and the backs and knees are hurting, but we aren't talking about that).

This hill is so much steeper than it looks.

Once they get them to the top of the hill, Mr. Marvelous goes to work with The Master Garden Plan.

 First you till (with a little help from Jack).

 Then you measure the width of your bed.

 Three feet wide by Mama's request
(that way I can reach the things in the middle).

Then you put the logs down.

Next you add a layer of old leaves for mulch.

Next you dig out the walkway between the beds and shovel that dirt on top of the leaves.
 (I did say it was bicep-building and back-aggravating).

And eventually our backyard looks like this.

With space at the bottom of the steps to sit and have a fire.

The tires?  Well, we are a little quirky around here.....

Meantime this has been going on in the basement.

And on warm, sunny days this happens.

Jack helps, of course.

Won't be long til we have stuff in the ground.


Oh, they are doing quite well.

 They like the sunshine too!

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