Monday, October 13, 2014

Monday Memories The Low-Country

Many years ago my parents moved to a very small community in the Low-Country of South Carolina.  It is a wonderful place.  Agriculture is one of the main businesses of the area.  The people there are hard-working, kind-hearted folks who love God, their families, and their neighbors.  In that order.

Mail came to the post office as General Delivery.  You would walk to the post office after the post-mistress got there and had time to sort through things.  There were no boxes, you simply walked up, visited with her, asked about her family, her grandchildren and her Mama, visited with the other folks there, got your mail, and walked back home.  If you were lucky, either Peaches or Okra, two of the neighborhood dogs, would accompany you.  If you were ill and couldn't get there, either one of the neighbors would bring your mail to you, or the postmistress would drop by to check on you and bring your mail (and quite possibly a meal) after she closed up.

The church was the other main attraction in the community.  See that little road behind the post office?  That is the road to the church.

Next door to that, of course, is the manse where my parents lived.

Chest-high azaleas, live oaks, Spanish moss, resurrection ferns; all the loveliness of the low-country!

Next door to that is where Mr. James E. grew up and where his Mama lived until she died.  It also happens to be where Mr. Marvelous (Sr. and Jr.) and I lived for a couple of years.

Next door to that is where Mr. James E. and Mrs. Gladys lived....

And next door to that is Mrs. Christine's new house.  New as in, it was the replacement for what Hurricane Hugo destroyed 25 years ago. 

Hard to believe it has been that long

These are the houses where "The Girls" lived; My Mom, Mrs. Gladys, Mrs. Christine.  Mrs. Fannie Louise lived down the road a piece and around the corner, and Mrs. Olivia lived down the road a piece, around the corner, and down that road a piece.  I'll get to Mrs. Doris' house in a minute.  It is special.

Across the road from the houses are a few other houses; 3 old (at least one is still lived in) and 1 new.

There is also one of Steve's wheat/corn/soy/whatever is in season fields.

My guys built spud guns while we lived there.  They learned that spud guns can shoot squash if nothing else is available.  Steve learned that squash shot from a spud gun will grow in a corn field!

There are some dear folks who live on the other side of the highway from the old post office but I did not make it over there to take pictures this time.  Another day I will tell you about these folks who still do what they can to love my parents every chance they get.  Mack, in particular, still comes over frequently to see what kind of shenanigans he and my Dad can get into!

When we lived here, Mrs. Doris lived down the street just a little ways in this house.

Mom and Dad have moved back to the area and are now living in what will probably always be known as "Mrs. Doris' house". 

Many of the folks we knew and loved in the short time we lived there have died.  It feels odd to go back and not see their faces there; we miss them!

There are a few new faces; most of them new babies.  The babies who were babies when we lived there are growing up quickly.

In general the fundamental character of the area is still the same.  The church is still the center of life for the folks who live there.  Agriculture is still one of the main businesses of the area.  The people there are still hard-working, kind-hearted folks who love God, their families, and their neighbors.  In that order. 

We are better people for having been there.

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