Monday, February 01, 2016

Monday Memories: Names Project


In 2011 I took on a project for Advent.  I decided to read through the Gospels looking for descriptive names of Jesus (the link to the first one is here).  By Epiphany I had finished the Gospels and decided to go on and finish the New Testament.  In a cool twist of timing, I finished the book of Revelation at Easter 2012.  So I decided to go on and work through the Old Testament.  Then I decided that in addition to looking for Jesus in the Old Testament, I would also look for God the Father and the Holy Spirit.  The entire project took me until early November of 2015 ~ almost 4 years.  I was not eager to rush through this (obviously!).  I decided early on that this is a project worth taking a lifetime if necessary. 

This year, Mr. Marvelous wanted to do his Bible reading using a chronological Read Through The Bible plan.  He found this outline and shared it with me.  We are having an interesting time reading through together this year. 

I discovered something though, especially as we have been reading through Job this past week or two.  Every time I read through, I find names and descriptions of God that I missed.  Sometimes it is because the description is implicit, rather than an explicit name.  For example, consider the following from Job 37 as Elihu is speaking to Job:

“Hear this, O Job;
    stop and consider the wondrous works of God.
15 Do you know how God lays his command upon them
    and causes the lightning of his cloud to shine?
16 Do you know the balancings of the clouds,
    the wondrous works of him who is perfect in knowledge,
17 you whose garments are hot
    when the earth is still because of the south wind?

 The words in red are the obvious: God, God, Him who is perfect in knowledge.  But look again.  This time notice the words in blue:

“Hear this, O Job;
    stop and consider the wondrous works of God.
15 Do you know how God lays his command upon them
    and causes the lightning of his cloud to shine?
16 Do you know the balancings of the clouds,
    the wondrous works of him who is perfect in knowledge,
17 you whose garments are hot
    when the earth is still because of the south wind?

God is the one who does wondrous works (which of course implies that He is Himself wondrous).  God is the Commander (I love that one!).  God causes the lightning of his clouds to shine.  God is the one who balances the clouds.  And again, God is the doer of wondrous works.  

There is so much depth and richness to this study.  

When I started the book of Genesis, I was talking with a young friend and explaining to her just what I was doing.  I showed her my jar that held the New Testament names and descriptions of Jesus.  Her eyes got a little big and she said, "Mrs. Virginia, I think you are going to need a very big aquarium to finish this!".

Yes Kaleigh, I probably will!  When I undertook this project I told myself (and a few others) that there was no deadline and no rush.  It was a project of a lifetime, so it was permissible to take a lifetime to complete it.  As the project expands, I will probably be looking for an old, cracked fish tank as Mr. Marvelous and I wander through yard sales.  I hope that if I live to be 93, I will still be putting Names and descriptions into that with my Grandchildren.  And sharing what I find with the people who come to visit.

May the Truth of these descriptions pierce our hearts.  

His peace to your homes.

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