Wednesday, February 03, 2016

Wednesday Prayers

Good morning, and thank you so much for your continued prayers.  This work is so important.  It matters.  It makes a difference.  I love the verse in Revelation 5:9 where John describes the Elders who are each holding a harp and a bowl filled with incense.  Then John tells us that the incense is the prayers of the saints.  Think about that for a few minutes; your prayers are so important that they are kept in the bowls held by the 24 Elders!  They are so pleasing to God that they are viewed as incense (and in Heaven we won't be bothered with allergic reactions to incense!).

There are a few urgent needs this week that require our attention.  However please remember that prayer is so much more than rattling off a list of needs.  Remember to take time today and through the week to just stop the busy-ness of life and spend some quiet time with God reflecting on Who He Is. 

I have been writing about the attributes of God found in the Westminster Shorter Catechism lately. 

"God is a Spirit, infinite, eternal and unchangeable, in His being, wisdom, power, holiness, justice, goodness, and truth."

This week we come to the attribute of God's goodness.  Oh how I love to think about this one!  God's goodness is so big that we can not see the ends of it in space or in time.  It goes out and in and through all the universe, from the biggest parts to the smallest without ever stopping.  It has no beginning in time, and will never end, even when time itself ends.  It is exactly the same today as it was before He created time, and the same as it will be when time ends.  There are many questions asked about God's goodness when people look at the world we live in.  There are many really good answers.  There are many people who have suffered (and still suffer) who will eagerly share God's goodness in suffering.  But for today, rather than focus on those questions, focus instead on the truth and the limitlessness and the constancy of the goodness of God itself.  Pray through these needs, but as you do, pray that the person involved will experience and see the goodness of God.
  1. Garrett is a little boy who is very ill with something the doctors can not figure out.  He is in the hospital and suffering with a great deal of pain.
  2. Michelle is a young lady with cancer.  The family has called hospice and her days are short.
  3. Brian is facing major back surgery in the near future.
  4. Mark (not my Mr. Marvelous) will be having total knee replacement soon.
  5. You all have people in your group of friends who have experienced the death of someone they love dearly.  Please remember to pray for them today.  
  6. Pray for your Pastor.  Pray that he will be diligent in preparing his sermon for this week.  Pray that he will be attentive to what God is asking him to say.  Pray that he will be bold in speaking the Truth of God's word.  Pray that the Holy Spirit will pierce our hearts as we listen.  Pray too for his family!
Please feel free to leave a comment with other needs.  They will be prayed over.

God's peace to your home. 

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