Wednesday, April 08, 2015


Names and Prayers


Good morning!  It is nice to be getting back into a routine again.  For as much as I can be a fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants-impulsive-and-impetuous kind of girl, I do crave structure, routine and organization.

The plastic is coming down off our back porch.  I have a view again.  We love the vast array of green shades this time of year.  I tend to look up and out to see it:

Mr. Marvelous tends to look down:

We are both happy.

I love the longer days of sunshine.  I enjoy being able to hang out clothes as late as noon and still have them dry by supper time (please don't tell my Mama I hang my clothes out that late in the day).

As I was reading in the Gospel of John this morning, I found some names that are especially important to me right now.  

God is the GIVER.  We see this throughout John 3 as Jesus talks with Nicodemus.  God is the giver of all good things (James 1:17).  Because He has given us life through Christ, and filled us with His Spirit, we are able to see Him more clearly in the world He has created.

Twice in John 3, he says that Jesus is ABOVE ALL (verse 31).  That's a good name to remember as we finish our Easter celebrations.  Jesus is ABOVE ALL in authority.  Jesus is ABOVE ALL in honor and glory and power.  Jesus is ABOVE ALL our troubles and hardships.  Jesus is ABOVE ALL the distractions and worries and busy-ness of the world we live in.

Just a few thoughts for your day.

Now, here are the prayer needs this week:
  1. Please remember to continue in prayer for Robert and Nancy as Nancy continues chemo treatments.  Pray too, please, that Robert will know how God wants him to balance his responsibilities to his wife, his church, his business and all the other things that are his to take care of.
  2. Melba Reid is battling cancer as well.  Her chemo has been difficult.  Please pray for wisdom for Melba and her family, and pray that this season with her daughter will be a blessing to both of them.
  3. Larry needs a new kidney and his daughter Tera is hoping to be able to donate one of hers.  Please keep them ~ as well as Vicky and her son ~ in your prayers through this process.
  4. Pray for school teachers this week.  In many places students are coming back from Spring Break and this is the long haul til the end of the year.  Pray that godly teachers will be a faithful example to their students of God's grace and of perseverance.
Thank you again so much for your prayers for Mother and I as we were traveling.  We are both grateful for your help.  Mom is continuing to improve and is thankful to be back home.  As am I!

God's peace to your homes.

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