Wednesday, May 06, 2015

Wednesday Prayers

I am out of town this week visiting with my parents.  We had the memorial worship service for our beloved Roberta, and mother and I are trying to get her things taken care of.  For those of you who have been praying for Roberta in her last days, and for her family as we miss her, thank you.  Your prayers, support and encouragement are greatly appreciated!

Psalm 121 has long been one of my favorite Psalms.  It is the second Psalm I memorized.  It is the Psalm I shared with Roberta the day she died.  The names in this Psalm are particularly helpful during times of distress.  The one name that is repeated over and over throughout this Psalm is this:


The Lord is our Keeper.  This name is used six times in these eight verses.  He is our Keeper.  What a blessed relief to remember that!

Prayer needs this week:
  1. Lavonda is in the hospital with Congestive Heart Failure.  She will be staying in until Thursday when she hopes to have her pacemaker replaced
  2. Nancy is scheduled for more chemo on Monday.  Please pray that her labs will be stable.
  3. Please pray for Jody this week.  It has been almost 9 months since her husband died after a long battle with brain cancer.  The grief does not magically disappear in that time.
  4. Thank God this week for our mothers, and remember to pray for the young mothers who are trying to figure out how to be the mother God wants them to be.  Pray also for the mothers who have lost children to death, and the mothers who have lost children to sin.
  5. Pray especially this week for your pastor's wife.  Her work is so much more than you can imagine (unless you are the pastor's wife!).  
  6. Remember the mothers whose children are serving in the military, in law-enforcement, and as fire-fighters.  It takes a special kind of lady to raise these heroes and then send them out to face the danger that they face every day.
Are you picking up on the fact that Sunday might be a special day?!

Thank you for your work of prayer.  God's peace to your homes.

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