Thursday, May 14, 2009

Sweetened Condensed Milk?

Long day, great Bible study, late night, long trip tomorrow. Soooo...quick post!
Today I ran out of coffee creamer. NOT GOOD! I am not a pleasant person without my coffee. It's almost as bad as running out of estrogen. But I didn't want to spend another $3 on coffee creamer. So I went on-line and Googled "liquid coffee creamer recipe". You would be amazed at how many sites there are with these recipes. Sadly, all the recipes are either the powdered stuff (I've made that before and was decidedly unimpressed with the results), or require sweetened condensed milk. I don't keep sweetened condensed milk on hand in my pantry. I do, however, keep powdered milk (with the price of milk these days I use the powdered stuff for cooking and the liquid stuff for drinking). Did you know you can make sweetened condensed milk out of powdered milk?! It's quick and easy and it tastes good. I do recommend that if you try this, you use a heavy pan to mix and boil it in. My little aluminum pan is just not quite heavy enough, especially since I have a gas stove now. Here's the recipe, courtesy of Carnation Instant Milk.

1 cup powdered milk
2/3 cup cool water
2/3 cup sugar (I said it was sweetened, remember?)
3 Tablespoons butter

Dissolve the powder in water in a 1 quart pan. Bring to a boil and stir til smooth. Remove from heat. Stir in sugar and butter. Allow to cool. Equals one 14 ounce can of sweetened condensed milk.

You can store it in a jar in the refrigerator but I usually just make it up when I need it and use it right away. By the way, if you are also out of half and half and/or heavy whipping cream, you can also make that by adding butter to a cup of milk (powdered or not). For half and half, add 1 1/2 Tablespoons of butter to 7/8 cup of milk. For heavy cream, add 1/3 cup of butter to 3/4 cup of milk. Amazing, isn't it?

I'll let you know how the home made coffee creamer turns out when we get back from our travels. In the meantime, have a great weekend and pray us on our trip.


Kathi said...

Hmmmm. Interesting recipes! I hate it when I run out of coffee creamer! Do you just add the butter to regular milk? Sounds too easy...

Nancy said...

Yes, I wondered too? Do you add the water and
butter and cook the same, do you add the sugar?
For the half and half or whipping cream?
Strawberry Jam is wonderful.

Virginia said...

According to The Joy of Cooking, half and half is 10-12% butterfat. So if you add 1 1/2 Tablespoons of butter to 1 cup milk that is 2-4% fat, you will have the equivalent of half and half. For heavy cream the proportion of fat is 36-40% fat (yikes!), which is why you add 1/3 cup butter to 3/4 cup of 2-4% fat milk. I don't know how it would work to turn that into whipped cream but for those recipes (like quiche or home-made ice cream) that require heavy cream it should work fine. We'll be making some ice cream next week when we get back, so I'll be sure to update and let you know how it works. I may even get adventurous and see how it does whipped. Stay tuned....