Saturday, October 06, 2007

My blue linen is serged, and I have gotten started. I got three rows done Monday, while sitting with Mom at the hospital, only to realize that I was too close to the edge, so I had to rip out and start over. Sigh. Three rows may not sound like much until I tell you that each row has approximately 100 stitches! Oh well, I'm up and running now, with almost 8 rows finished.

I slowed down a little this week to make bookmarks. I enjoy making these. I make them with waxed linen and make two tails to them so you can mark two places in your Bible if the preacher gets ripping. Right now I just enjoy making them to give away. I've sold some to the local Friends of the Library, but that was back in June and I have not gotten any further orders.

Mr. Marvelous is busy writing an essay/treatise/whatever on the subject of worship. We are so bothered and discouraged by the current acrimonious arguments over what type of worship is "right", and the assertion that any other style or format is therefor wrong. It is sad to see the church tearing itself apart over trivial matters.

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