Friday, February 20, 2009

The following post may lead to high blood pressure and a lot of your time. You are warned!

A friend of mine posted this link about the bill. I would encourage you to visit the site and read as much of the line-item information as you can. The site allows you to vote on whether or not you consider each project to be critical. While I'm at it, let's just see how Merriam-Webster defines the word "Critical"
"absolutely necessary" Please note; there is a difference between "necessary" and "desired".

Also, yesterday Mark and I caught most of Glen Beck's show on Fox News. I had never heard him before and it was quite interesting. He promised a show today that will depart from his norm a bit and it sounded like it will be a good one. Might want to catch it if you can. Someone record it for me; Mark and I will be on our way home!

OK, here's the link

Have fun!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

I sent my dear friend Noah a letter on Saturday and promised that I would put pictures of my Mama and Daddy's home at the lake on the computer for him to see. Here you go, Noah! Auntie 'Ginia misses you a HEAP.