Thursday, August 28, 2014


I bet you thought I forgot!

We only had a few suggestions.

There was Milton.  I am not re-reading Paradise Lost this year.

Romeo.  I like it, but it just didn't fit him.  He has too many "wives".

Big Daddy.  We've already had one.  I'm trying to forget him but the scars make it hard.

Fluffy/Poofy/Hamburger were all vetoed by Mr. Marvelous (sorry, Gentlemen!).

Roosty was cute, but again, it just did not fit his personality.

We tend to be rather quirky and rather picky with the animals we name.  Remember Barrabas?!

There was only one thing left to do.  I sent out a distress signal to my friend Rixie

Something about how much I appreciate her family's sense of humor and creativity, especially that of her youngest (she is raising her children well and teaching them to appreciate the finer things in life, like Dr. Who and Buckaroo Banzai).

Within an hour I had the following suggestions:

Sriracha - they have a rooster on the bottle
Peter Pan or Rufio - they liked to crow like roosters
Hannigan - from Rooster Hannigan in Annie
Rory- we've had a Doctor Who sick day marathon
Either Bob or Fred in honor of The Egg and I
And my son's unexplainable answer Cluckie McCluckerson

While Mr. Marvelous Jr. would have preferred Sriracha, something that hard to pronounce (and spell!) was not going to make it.  I had already vetoed my own idea of Mike Wazowski.

I read the list to Mr. Marvelous and we both burst out laughing at Cluckie McCluckerson.  So without further ado, and with many heartfelt thanks to Rixie's son (one of my favorite suspender-wearing-Dr.-Who-loving people), meet our rooster.

Cluckie McCluckerson.

English Muffins and Strawberry jam...and a Timmy the Geek sticker....are on the way to them with my thanks.

I warned you it was subjective!

1 comment:

dogquilter said...

He is quite handsome I bet all the chicks dig him!