Monday, August 04, 2014

Monday Morning Memories

I am sure I have mentioned that when I was growing up our family went to the same beach every single summer.  Except the year my oldest brother got married; that year we let him take his bride to the beach.

Anyway, we grew up going to Mexico Beach, Florida, which is where my parents spent their honeymoon.  We would go into Port St. Joe several times during the week.  There is a story about me and the unpleasant affect that the paper mill always had on me (even if I was asleep), and the unpleasant affect that this had on sibling outfits.  Let's just pretend that isn't a story though, alright?  Thanks.

However, there are some great memories of Port St. Joe; they had a Dairy Queen with dipped cones, a grocery store, a drawbridge (which was sadly close to the 'melling paper plant), AND a library with a wonderful children's room (yes, we are that family who believes that it is not a vacation without a load of books!).

Just before the drawbridge on Highway 98, there was a sign for a local Baptist Church.  

Straight out into the bay.

Now THAT's a baptistry!

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