And Comfort
I keep two bulletins in my Bible. I don't know that they will ever come out. One is from a Prayer Service that my Sister's Pastor had for her daughter Meaghan the day before Meaghan died.
Sunday morning after the congregational singing, we sat down and situated ourselves as the choir began their anthem. That particular paper slipped out into my hand and for just a moment the worship around me faded as I read something on the back:
Deliver Your servant, Meaghan, O Sovereign Lord Christ,
from all evil, and set her free from every bond; that she may
rest with all Your saints in the eternal habitations; where with
the Father and the Holy Spirit You live and reign, one God,
forever and ever. Amen.
I have read these words many times since my sister gave me this, but this time was different. Instead of overwhelming emotion being grief, there was a peace. Grief and tears were there, of course, but even more, great peace.
I snapped back into the present just in time to hear the choir singing this:
I will arise and go to Jesus,
He will embrace me in His arms;
In the arms of my dear Saviour,
O there are ten thousand charms.
Little patches of God-light.
Little patches of God-light.
Peace cometh slowly
If it comes at all
And blows away quickly
Like leaves in the fall.
A wind chime in winter
Is no comfort to the cold
But warm words from a friend
strengthens and makes one bold
Enough to face life again
Enough to walk the path,
Enough to help others
Enough to stem the wrath
Of the injustice here and now
Oh! Grant us patience, show us how
To think eternally day by day
Then come quickly
and take us away.
To a land without time,
Where it never gets cold
Where clocks have no faces
And we never grow old.
Peace cometh slowly
If it comes at all
And blows away quickly
Like leaves in the fall.
A wind chime in winter
Is no comfort to the cold
But warm words from a friend
strengthens and makes one bold
Enough to face life again
Enough to walk the path,
Enough to help others
Enough to stem the wrath
Of the injustice here and now
Oh! Grant us patience, show us how
To think eternally day by day
Then come quickly
and take us away.
To a land without time,
Where it never gets cold
Where clocks have no faces
And we never grow old.
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