Friday, February 20, 2015


As I was reading in Luke this morning I found a name that got into my heart and stayed there. I like it so much that instead of my typical Friday post, I wanted to share it with you.  

The first chapter of Luke's Gospel is one of my favorites.  Luke packs a lot into this chapter; the story of Zechariah finding out that he and Elizabeth are going to be parents, Mary finding out that she is going to be the mother of Jesus, the time these two ladies spend together, the songs that they sing to each other and to God, the birth of John the Baptist, and Zechariah's song when God restores his voice.  All these songs make me love this chapter even more.

I have found the name for Jesus that remains my favorite toward the end of this chapter.  In verse seventy-eight as Zechariah is singing, Jesus is described as:

The Sunrise from on high.

In the very next verse Zechariah continues his song and describes God as:

The Giver of Light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death.

Whatever your weekend brings you, I pray that you will let that soak in.  Receive the Truth of Who God Is.  Let go of whatever darkness may be encroaching and surrender to the glory of the Light that He gives.

May His peace ~ and Light ~ fill your hearts and homes.

From The Bible In Pictures For Little Eyes.

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