Monday, July 29, 2013

Monday Memories: Grandparents

My Dad's parents were exceptional people.  And any of my cousins will give me an AMEN to that!

Every morning and every evening they joined hands and prayed over each of their children, their grandchildren, and our one-day husbands and wives.  I firmly believe that this is the greatest gift anyone can give a child. 

They prayed over us, and our one-day husbands and wives, as soon as it was announced that we were going to be.  The year they began praying over me was the year that Mr. Marvelous' parents, who never took him to church or engaged in any kind of Bible-teaching with him, decided to put Mr. Marvelous in a Christian Kindergarten program. 

My Granny is the woman whom I admire most in the world, next to my Mom.  She was a Lady of great grace.  She was compassionate and loving.  She was interested in the people around her.  Through all of the very difficult things she went through in her life, her faith in God's love and goodness grew stronger.  She showed me my first falling star.  She always had apple juice and some great wooden blocks on hand for her young company.

I hope that my grandchildren see me the way I see my Granny.

I hope that I am the faithful prayer-warrior she was.

I hope that I reflect God's grace, mercy, peace, goodness and glory as well as she did.

I would encourage you to give the children in your life the great gift that she gave to us. 

 And if you tell me I look like her, I will love you for the compliment!


Nancy said...

I couldn't see it in those small pictures you sent us, but definitely see you in this picture! She was a wonderful person and having married into the family I was always thankful and impressed how she prayed for all of us, by first name and middle name, for 3 generations every day.
The most blessed heritage.

Nancy said...

Robert said you very much look like her. And Nancy looks like Aunt Virginia, so who do Robert, John and Liz look like in that family?

Virginia said...

You can't see it in that picture, but Robert is so much like Uncle Robert (and therefore like Grandaddy).

Unknown said...

Liz and I have the same "short waist" that my Mother always talk about her mother (Grandmother) having. Sorry Liz, I noticed when I was at your house in MS long time ago :)