It's going to be a busy day today as I get ready for Mark to come home. Yipeeeeee!!! He's been in North Carolina for 2 weeks of training and I sure will be glad to have him back this evening. I've got to get busy finishing up housework and then I can sit around this afternoon and craft. Today I'm going to paint a certain rocking chair for certain extra-special little ones. Then its back to stitching Christmas cards. I did have to make an early morning run to WalMart to get some thread and tape so I could stitch today. The WalMarts here in our part of Alabama (we have two within about 5 miles of us) both have a craft section, something that was eliminated from all the WalMarts in the Augusta, GA area. I rushed out around 6:30 this morning so I could get back in time to fix Dan's breakfast and let him have the car for work.
If you live in the Birmingham area you might want to be sure to pick up a copy of the paper this morning and turn to the sports section to read an interview with Blake Burgess. Blake was asked about how his baby brother's death had affected him. God's grace is reflected quite well in Blake's answer. If you can't get a paper, go to where Blake's Dad has put a copy of it on the website. As the holidays approach, continue to hold up in prayer the Burgess family and others who have lost a loved one this year. You never really "get over" a death but the first year of celebrating holidays are certainly difficult.
Today I am thankful for God's grace to get us through any situation, even the ones that feel like they just can't be gotten through.
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