Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Wednesday Prayers

Greetings Prayer Warriors

Thank you for your faithful service of prayer.  God is so good to us.  One piece of His goodness is that even in the times of our greatest weakness and frailty, when we are tempted to feel that we can do nothing to serve or help the people around us (perhaps especially during those times), we can still do the greatest work of all.  We can still pray.  I often remember Mrs. Olivia and my own dear Aunt Virginia who spent their last days and hours continuing to pray.  May we understand the honor that we have of being able to pray anywhere, any time, about any thing.

As you pray through these needs this week, please ask God particularly to reveal His goodness to the people for whom you are praying.

Here are a few of the needs of the week:
  1. Baby Ava, for whom you have helped me pray in the past, is not doing well.  She is home from the hospital, but still sick with multiple infections in her little body.  Please pray for her parents and grandparents as well as for little Ava.
  2. Maria is battling cancer.  Please pray that God will continue to strengthen her soul, and thank God for her testimony in her illness.
  3. Jim and Mark are recovering from surgery.
  4. After serving for four weekends at spiritual life conferences in Alabama and California, my brother and his wife both came home sick.  Please pray for a quick recovery for both of them.  Please also pray for those who attended these conferences, that the Spirit will continue His work in their lives.
  5. Stacy has been in the hospital since a surgery 14 months ago.  Please continue to pray for her and for her family.
  6. Elizabeth's mother died on Monday.  Praise God for her new life.  Pray for comfort for her family.  Please pray especially for them as they celebrate her life tomorrow at her funeral.
  7. Doug, Brian, Richard, Robert and Matt are all small business owners.  Owning a business has a lot of unique struggles and challenges.  Please pray for them, that their work would reflect Christ to their customers and employees, and most of all that God will prosper their souls.
  8. Your pastor is having a very busy week.  You might be surprised at all the work that goes into this week for him.  Please pray for him this week and next.  Pray for endurance, for strength, for discernment and obedience about what God would have him say.  Pray that he will wisely balance church life with family life.  Pray for his family.  Pray that he will be able to rest next week.  Let him know that you are praying for him.  It really does help.
May God be with us this week as we remember the work of Jesus.  May we stop and allow ourselves to feel the weight of Friday.  May we then rejoice in the comfort and hope and joy of Sunday morning!

His peace to your hearts and homes.

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