It's been pretty busy getting inventory ready. In the middle of that have been some unexpected challenges. I'm getting there, though. This week I'll be showing you some of the things I am working on to have ready for Saturday. But first, a little catching up.
Man down. Man down. And Man down. My oldest brother is going to have minor surgery this week. Why did he put it off til later this week, you ask? Why because he had to do his martial arts test last week. If he had missed that it would have delayed his progress to his black belt. Then he had to leave last night to drive to Florida to meet our Dad for two days of fishing. It's all about priorities, right?
Mr. Marvelous injured his back last week. We are still waiting for insurance to approve diagnostic tests. Sigh. We are praying that this will not be a long-term problem.
My oldest nephew had a fight with a tree on Saturday. The tree won. Matt is still in the trauma ICU at UAB. Our family has some experience with that unit, unfortunately. Matt's "twin" cousin spent more time there than she wanted to about 14 years ago. The trauma unit at UAB is first-class and we are VERY grateful to them and for them. Please keep Matt, his wife and their two toddlers in your prayers this week. He is improving but it takes a good bit of time to heal 8 broken ribs and a cracked sternum. We are praising God that the injuries were no worse!
Baby bunnies. Our Curious George had NINE babies last Monday. They are all cute as can be. At one week they finally have all their fur. Have you ever seen baby bunnies in their nest? If you disturb them, they start bouncing around like Mexican Jumping Beans! These kids have some amazing hang-time.
Day 3
Day 7. Remarkable how quickly they grow fur, isn't it? The fur around the edges is what Mama pulled from her belly to line the nest and keep them warm.
Now on to work. I have been working on a baby blanket. I thought I knew to whom it would belong, but I became more and more unsettled about that. I had been praying a lot about what God wanted me to do with that particular blanket. As usual, God answered my prayer in a really neat way. A new friend from my Bible Study has a young lady who is like a daughter to her. This young lady is toward the end of a very high-risk pregnancy after losing a baby last year. Everything just came together and God said, "That's the one!". It is such a trivial little concern in the great grand scheme of life, but God cares about the little details like a baby blanket. I've been working on this one in the evenings after supper and finished the cross stitch part last night. I'll get the backing put on today and then it will be all ready for the baby shower this weekend.
That's a nice, soft blue flannel for the backing
As many blankets as I have made, I only just figured out that I can lap the backing over the front to make an edge. I think that will make it a little nicer. I'll get pictures up of the finished product later.
Back to work!
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