Friday, August 09, 2013


Mr. Marvelous and I are going to the North Alabama Bee Keepers Symposium on Saturday.  Mr. Marvelous Jr. turned down our invitation for him to join us.  Something about watching paint dry.

My eight Leghorns are consistently laying eight eggs daily.  They are now in the back yard and the Buff Orpingtons are in the front.  That means that trash talking back and forth has gained a little volume.

Those Leghorns are able to clear out a patch in the weedy, overgrown corn patch in less than one week.  Lots of rain helps!

We'll be looking for Fog Horn (Leghorns.  Get it?) soon.  If these chickens are this productive, this is the breed I want to incubate.

"Son, I say, Son...!"

From Wikimedia Commons; Public Domain picture

We are nervously leaving the lone watermelon for one more day before picking it.  It needs sunshine.  If we can just keep the bugs away and keep it from bursting for one more day (have I mentioned that we have had a lot of rain lately?)

After a lengthy hiatus, I am back to going through Scripture finding names of God.  I'm still in Deuteronomy.  This week I was reading Deuteronomy 18:2  This passage is talking about the priests and Levites in Israel.  "They (the priests) shall have no inheritance among their brothers; the Lord is their inheritance, as He promised them."  That's a wonderful inheritance, but does the passage seem irrelevant to a modern day Christian?  How about when you move over and consider this:
"But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light"  II Peter 2:9 (emphasis mine)

It's fascinating to me when I am reading a passage in the Old Testament and the Spirit of God uses it to remind me of a New Testament passage.  It helps me to understand both of them better.

This Sunday the Sunday School lesson will be on the Ten Plagues.  Pray for me!

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