Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Homesteading Update: The front flowers

I'm a little behind with updates, but here is the situation on the front flowers and herbs.

A few weeks ago I looked out at last year's front flower beds.

Isn't it awful??  And it got worse before it got better.   Much worse.  So I got busy and trimmed the roses back.  Unfortunately you will have to take my word for it because I did not take pictures. Oops!

I tried to get out there and pull weeds, but my body will not let me do that for very long.  And my front flower bed is very, very, very long.  

That area behind the weeds, by the way, is NOT what I weeded.  That's part of Mr. Marvelous' work.  The pulled weeds on the pavement ARE my work. 

The end result of those weeds having been pulled.

A lot of effort for not much result.  What's a country girl to do?

Meet my new friend!  Can you believe I never learned to use one of these until I was 50? 
I suppose I was just too busy canning strawberry jam and making pickles.  And cinnamon rolls.  Did I mention english muffins?

After an hour or so, my new friend and I had only made this much progress.

How do you like Mr. Marvelous' friend up on the porch?

Dear NSA:  I promise that road sign was a gift from a certain member of my extended family.  He found it when cleaning out a garage for a little old lady.  He was a juvenile at the time.  It was many years ago.  And that's all I have to say about that!

This was the point at which I gave out for the day. 

Folks, we got a looooong way to go! 

Next episode:  Mr. Marvelous dons a cape and activates his Super-Powers!

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