Friday, December 09, 2011

The Twenty-Four Days of Christmas: Day Nine


Today is a wonderful day.  Today I am spending the day with my nephew's four children.  I claim these children as my own grand-children (and their mother as the daughter of my heart).  Last September, they all moved far away to the land of Utah to plant a church (talk about a challenge!).  This year, they have been able to come back to Alabama for a visit and are staying through Christmas, dividing their time between the two sets of parents.  Today I get to spend the day with the children.  Tonight my sister and I will take them to the Walk Through Nativity at Briarwood Church .  It promises to be a cold, fun evening.  I have my camera right here beside me; hopefully I will remember to take it so I can post pictures tomorrow.  What a blessing to get to spend time with four of my favorite people.  
Let's see; dress up materials ready, train videos ready, games ready, books ready, arms ready for hugs....Should be a great day!

1 comment:

dogquilter said...

sounds like fun hope you guys have a wonderful time!!