I have been rather busy the past few weeks, finishing a Christmas gift for two absolutely precious little ones, and reading a fantastic book. What's really amazing about that book is that it is not fiction! I don't usually read serious stuff; I read for fun. But I was asked to read a new book entitled, "Rocks Aren't Clocks". The author, Dr. John Reed, is one of my top five heroes (along with Mark Akin, Dr. Gordon Reed, Robert Reed, and Dan Akin.....NOT in any particular order). This is a book explaining why the current geologic time models are philosophy (flawed, at that) and not science. The amazing thing is that I understand it! I told John that he can now put a blurb on the book that says, "Even my little sister understands it!"
The stitching has been fun and I am so excited that I have finished another project. I'll start the next one the end of the week (I'm going to give my shoulders a break for a few days!), but here are pictures of what I have finished. This will be the seat of a child-sized rocking chair. If I can find a little wooden rocker to paint and stencil, than I will afix this to the seat of that. Otherwise I will make a little seat cushion for my sweet babies to put on their own rocker at Christmas time.
Do I celebrate Christmas all year? No, but I do celebrate Advent. Remember that Advent means, "Coming". I am celebrating the fact that Christmas is coming around again, but even more importantly, Jesus is coming back again. Maranatha. Until He comes.
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