Several years ago my health was so poor that I could not do very much at all. Most of my time was spent in bed or in a wheelchair. Mr. Marvelous would go to work every day, work for hours driving all over the state, then come home to help Jr. finish up the housework of the day. It was very humbling to not be able to do the work that I wanted to do. However God had other work for me to do in that season; the work of prayer. It is interesting that God gives us the gift of that oh-so-important work when we are not able to focus on other things. We have to choose whether to wallow in the frustration of not being able to do "our" work, or to focus on the joy of doing the work He gives us. The work of prayer is a gift that He often gives to those who are at their weakest both physically and mentally. How many times have you visited with an elderly friend who laments, "I just can't do anything any more and I feel so useless!". As God's children, let's be quick to remind one another that the work of prayer is invaluable. Encourage those around you who are feeling useless; remind them of the great work God has for them in the times they are not able to do much else.
As you pray this week, please remember the following:
- J.R. has finished chemo and is doing well! As much time as was spent in prayer for this man, let's spend time saying "Thank You!" for the results.
- Nancy continues chemo. Please pray for her endurance.
- Rather than give you the long list of those who are battling cancer, please focus this week on praying especially for Maria in her struggle with the disease. Pray for many moments of joy in the middle of this.
- Pray for little Ryland who is having multiple health problems, and for her mother.
- Please remember the many people who are grieving great loss of life over the past few weeks. Pray for the families who have lost loved ones. Pray for the families of those who took those lives. Please pray that as God's people, we will be instruments of grace and mercy and peace.
- Pray for families who are struggling with the effects of various addictions. Some are new to the struggle, others have been in the battle for decades. Pray for endurance.
- Beth is having hip replacement surgery today.
- Pray for each other, that we would be bold to grab the opportunities we are given to share the Gospel with those we meet today and through the week.
- Remember the children and families who are getting ready to start college in a few weeks.
- Pray for your pastor! Pray for your pastor!! Pray for your pastor!!! And please remember his family, too.
God's peace to your hearts and homes.