This is a story for my friends Moses, Makenna, Noah, Tori, Rosie, Charis, Nicholas, Cameron, Jack, Nikki, Numero Uno, and the others whose Moms let them pop in and visit Auntie 'Ginia every so often.
Mr. Mark and I bought a house last week.
The new house has a deck in the back that is very nice to sit on.
Because the deck is on the back of the house, it is pretty high up in the air.
We also have two cats; Baby Boo, who is not quite as bold as she thinks she is,
And Duncan whose temper rarely matches her sweet appearance.
Mr. Mark worked on the back deck over the weekend and put some screen up to keep the bugs out. This meant that the cats could go out on the deck with us and enjoy the fresh air.
There is one spot on the deck that Baby Boo found
quite interesting.
She was so interested in it that she would spend almost all her time crouched down beside that little opening trying to look through it. Sometimes she would even lick the deck near the opening! Crazy Cat! Sometimes when it was time to go back in the house she would not come and would have to be chased back in the house or even picked up and carried. I wondered if there might be a lizard under there.
Boo and Duncan do like lizards and I couldn't imagine what else might be making Boo quite so excited.
Yesterday morning I finally got down on the floor of the porch and tried to peek through the opening. I squinted and scrunched and tried to peek this way and that.
Finally I thought maybe I saw something funny, but it was really hard to see it through the itty-bitty slit in the floor. So I went for a walk around the house to see what I could find.
I walked around the side by the Christmas trees
and past the propane tank
Then I looked up under the deck and found a big surprise!
It was .....
A Mama and Daddy robin who built a nest right up under the porch! I'm sure that soon there will be some babies in the nest. That means that until the babies hatch and grow up and fly away...
I'm going to have a pretty sad Baby Boo!